Final project dissemination

Final project dissemination

The roundtable, organized as part of the final workshop of the WINDLIPS project, was held on April 16th, 2021. The roundtable gathered more than 100 participants from the academia and industry.

The roundtable titled “Impact of the mass integration of renewable energy sources on power system stability” was moderated by prof. Igor Kuzle and had 6 speakers from the academia and industry who discussed issues, challenges and solutions of renewable energy integration from the perspective of power system operation, control and stability. Additionally, the speakers presented outcomes of the project.

The roundtable was held virtually over the MS Teams platform, in Croatian. Presentations from the 6 speakers can be found below:

• prof. dr. sc. Igor Kuzle, FER: Ostvarenja na projektu WINDLIPS

• dr. sc. Ninoslav Holjevac, FER: Razvoj prijenosnog sustava Republike Hrvatske s aspekta integracije OIE

• Josip Đaković, mag. ing. Primjena dubokog učenja za prognoziranje proizvodnje iz vjetroelektrana

• Matej Krpan,, FER: lzazovi u integraciji vjetroelektrana s aspekta dinamičke stabilnosti sustava

• Tomislav Baškarad, mag. ing., FER: Sudjelovanje fotonaponskih elektrana u regulaciji frekvencije elektroenergetskog sustava

• dr. sc. Igor lvanković, HOPS: Sinkrofazorska mjerenja u vođenju EES-a s pretežitim udjelom OIE

• mr. sc. Nenad Švarc, HEP – Proizvodnja d.o.o.: Utjecaj integracije OIE na cijenu pomoćnih usluga u elektroenergstskom sustavu RH

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